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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Mitchell

Fields in Bloom

Updated: Mar 13, 2018

Sometimes when I get the urge to go and play with my camera and have an idea for photos I have my three children with me. This means I either have to bypass the moment or get my kids involved in the moment.

The Childs Imagination

I had found this sunflower field in the middle of September and was hoping that some of the Sunflowers were in bloom. I wanted to show the kids what a sunflower field looked like as I have not seen one since I was a child. The sunflower field also reminded me of the scenes from The Color Purple where the two sisters are in the field in an very emotional moment. ( if you have not seen this movie go watch it NOW) I thought while watching the scenes that being in a field surrounded by sunflowers would be an amazing experience, so off I went with the kids. Camera in tow I figured they would be so amazed I could get some time to take photos and feed the urge to shoot.

The Drooping field

Upon arrival at the field I did not see blooming sunflowers reaching high to the sky. Instead I saw rows upon rows of droopy sunflowers still intact but not reaching up to the heavens. The field gave a great view of the HUGE field and beautiful mountains in the distance and was in itself an oasis to dissappear in. The sun was starting to drop lower in the sky but it made the field glow with yellow and green. It was not like the scenes in the movie but it sure took my breath away. I thought that a lot of people take photos of perfect sunflowers but looking at the towering drooping monsters I could see the beauty in them still. Magnificent yellow petals were drooping and hanging, while the centers of them looked like smiling faces and designs others had made in the peak of the season. Rows and rows of art surrounded us. The kids were amazed at the towering plants that were twice the size that they were. Walking into the field we entered a maze let let the imagination run wild. I was excited to turn on my camera and get to work and keeping the kids in my view I asked them to explore as I walked behind them ready to catch them in the moment.

Chasing kids armed with a camera and being a short mom in a field of towering droopy sunflowers is a recipe for disaster!

Here I am realizing my littles are shorter than the short mom I was and I had lost them in the field! I was having to ignore the urge every time I saw an AWESOME shot to take with my camera due to the overwhelming panic that surfaced realizing I could not see my kids after they ducked behind a plant and I realized the TRUE MAZE we were in! Next thing I knew I heard giggeling and "GOT YOU" I turn around and my two littelest ones 5 and 3 were armed with huge stalks from fallen sunflowers sword fighting under some huge droopy sunflowers. I pause ready to grab my camera and then I see my teen jump around the corner and scare the bejeus out of the two little ones. Then off they go running. I yell for my teen to chase one I got the other and off we go. Giggles and laughter fill the field of blooms as we enjoy the "real" moment. I stop when they do to take a breath and snap pic after pic of them and random droopy blooms hoping for a shot. Eventually the kids slow down and the teen starts showing them things around them and I can keep them in my eye. I became engrossed in my photos and grabbed some macro shots and funny droopy faces off the sunflowers. I turn and see my son standing in awe looking out the field and see the perfect picture. Then I turn to hear giggles and my youngest girl says "mommy look!" I turn to see the pic I have posted above and snapped the shot as she was telling me "take my picture mom!". She thought it would be a good silly shot but it turned out to be the best one ever. The imagination and simplicity warms my heart and the smiling love in her eyes fills me with love. She then started to get involved after seeing the picture on my camera preview and spent time with me finding things to take photos of. Then along comes my teen and my son and we all finish our time taking great photos.

Photo time became family time

Overall, the moment of wanting to take photos and choosing between my kids being with me or having to bypass the moment became when can I get my family out to take photos again moments.

I learned that involving my kids and looking thorugh their eyes allows for great imaginative photos. Hopefully, I was able to bring out and nurture there creative side and spark a love for photography that is just like thier short mom. :)

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